This Product has a R-38 R-value. The Dimensions are R-38 x 24 x 48 by 12 in Thick or Deep Making it Ideal for R-38 x 24 x 48 Construction.
Requires Coordination on Delivery. A Non-Encypted Phone Number will be Needed. Please be Ready to Provide this with 24 Hours of Purchasing via a Phone Call or here Messaging.
In the Bags There are 8 Batts per Bag for a Total of 64 SQFT per Bag. Bulk listing of 8 Bags or Two Bundles of 4 Making the Total Square Footage for this Product 512 sqft.
Contains no Paper Backing, Kraft Facing, on Material. This Product Cannot be Used for Exterior Walls, but Works well for Interior Walls, Floors, Ceiling. Even Attic spaces with 2 or More Inches of Air Space with Proper Ventaltion.Can be used for Soundproofing
Attic: This item is suitable for use in an attic setting. Position it between your trusses. If using unfaced insulation, ensure there is a properly ventilated air gap of 2 inches to avoid moisture accumulation in the insulation.